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Friday, 29 December 2017

Regardless of how old you are, where you live, or what your career goals are, everybody's ultimate goal in life is to be happy and successful. Read this article to learn how to achieve success in both your external life (i.e. your circumstances) and internal life (i.e. emotional wellbeing).
Identify your passions. Before you can achieve success, you will have to define what success means to you. While it may take years to realize what you want to do with your life, identifying your passions, interests, and values will help you set goals and give your life a sense of meaning. Ask yourself the following questions:
  • What do you want your legacy to be?
  • How would you like to be remembered by others?
  • How do you want to make your community a better place?
  • What are your subjects of interest in your life?
Make a list of your goals, and what you might do to achieve them. Be sure to address both short-term and long-term goals; try to think beyond financial/career goals.
  • Consider which subjects you enjoyed studying in school, and why. This can help give you an idea of what you may be best at or more interested in.
Live purposefully. In order to achieve your dreams and be the person you want to be, you will have to start paying attention to your actions. Ask yourself, is what I'm doing going to lead me to where I want to be in life?
  • If you find yourself constantly bored, daydreaming about the future or past or counting down the minutes until the day ends, it is probably because you feel disconnected from what you're doing. Consider changing careers or majors to a field that you care about but remember that it could mean changes you are not thinking of. Does that job pay enough to support yourself? Is it something you might get bored of eventually? Do I really want to commit to that job?
  • Cherish your time. Try to spend your free time doing things that you enjoy doing, rather than wasting time. For example, rather than spending your weekends watching television, spend them partaking in your hobbies or spending time with loved ones.
  • Remember that the concept of "wasted time" is relative. Not everything you do has to be productive in the conventional sense, but it should be engaging and enjoyable.
Be educated. Education gives you the knowledge, skills, and credibility to achieve your maximum potential. In terms of financial success, statistics have shown that the more education you have (i.e. the higher degree you achieve), the more money you are likely to make.
  • In 2011, the median weekly earnings for high school graduates was $638 while those with bachelor's degrees made $1053. That same year, those with masters or doctoral degrees made $1263 and $1551.
  • Not all education has to be formal. Apprenticeships and long-term training programs are also positively correlated with higher incomes.
Manage your finances. Learning how to manage your money will help ensure your financial stability over time, regardless of your income.
  • Keep track of your expenses. Review your bank statements often and notice where you spend your money. If you do your banking online, be sure to keep personal records as well. This will help you prevent over-spending and ensure that your bank statements are correct.
  • Understand your income. When calculating your income, be sure to take into account the federal, state, and social security taxes that will be deducted from your gross pay. The resulting number is your net pay, which is what you end up taking home with you.
  • Prioritize spending. Your first priority should be spending money on basic necessities like food, shelter, and clothing. Don't spend money on luxuries like expensive clothes, cars, or vacations until you have first satisfied your basic necessities. Be honest with yourself and differentiate between your basic needs and your luxuries.
  • Save money. Every month, you should deposit some of your money into a savings account. Consider asking your employer to directly deposit a portion of your income into your savings account.
Manage your time. Putting off important tasks until the last minute can cause you unnecessary stress, and increases the likelihood of errors. Manage your time so that you have enough time to complete a task effectively.
  • Use a paper or electronic planner to help keep you organized throughout the day, week, and month.
  • Make a list of all the things you need to do in a given day, and check off each task as you complete it. This will help you stay organized and motivated.
Enjoy the present moment. If you are constantly dwelling on the past or daydreaming about the future, you are missing out on the present moment. Remember that the past and the future are simply illusions, and that real life takes place here and now.
  • Start paying attention to negative thoughts so that you can learn to silence them and enjoy the present moment. If a negative thought arises in your head, then acknowledge it, label it a negative thought, and then let it fade away.
  • Get in the habit of paying attention to the small details around you. Appreciate the feeling of the sun on your skin, the sensation of your feet walking on the ground, or the artwork in the restaurant you are eating in. Noticing things like these will help you silence a rambling mind and appreciate every moment.
Don't compare your own life to other peoples' lives. Unfortunately, many people measure their own success by comparing it to the success of those around them. If you want to feel accomplished and happy, you will have to stop comparing your life to other peoples' lives.
  • Many people have the tendency to compare the low points of their own lives with the high points of other peoples' lives. Remember that no matter how perfect somebody's life may seem, behind closed doors everybody deals with tragedy, insecurity, and other difficulties.
  • Rather than comparing yourself with people who are "better off" than you, think about all of the people who are homeless, chronically ill, or living in poverty. This will help you appreciate what you have rather than feeling sorry for yourself.
Count your blessings. No matter how much you achieve in life, you will always feel unhappy if you constantly focus on what you don't have. Instead, devote time every day to appreciating the things you do have. Think beyond material items; appreciate your loved ones, and remember happy memories.
Look after your health. A healthy body supports a healthy mind. Eat a balanced diet and ensure that you aren't lacking in any necessary nutrients. Establish the cause of any problems you may experience, such as a lack of energy or a lack of concentration and deal with them by discussing with a doctor, nutritionist and related health professionals. Get plenty of exercise too but align it with what you love to do rather than what you feel you have to do but dislike.

Put yourself in Right Environment

Environment. The environment around us has a huge impact on us on all levels of conscious(subconscious and unconscious) . This includes the place we live in, friends we have, things we read, people we see and the list goes on. Environment is contagious. Thomas A Edison said he was able to become a successful inventor because he placed himself in the company of people who were much smarter than him and then he was able to learn from them. We offer most of our thoughts in response to the environment we are subjected to.
  • Try this experiment. Put yourself in company of people who are into gambling, or anything in particular they are interested in, for some time and then monitor your thoughts and emotions. Most likely your thoughts will be correspondent to the environment you subjected yourself to. Have you noticed that you feel serene and calm when you go to a beautiful lake or some beautiful natural environment?
Macro-Environment. The entities with which we spend most of our time lie in Macro environment. The place you live, the place you work, the colleagues, friends with whom you spend most of the time etc. All these are part of macro environment. It’s very important that you put yourself in a macro environment which motivates you constantly to become successful. This also includes You, if you spend a lot of time with yourself (you are the environment in this case) and you have a reactive brain then most likely you will have reactive thoughts unless you change your environment.
Micro-Environment. These are entities with which we don't spend much time with, for example coffee shop, people you say hello to, grocery store, new people you meet at bars etc. This usually don't have a long term impact on you unless you change it into macro environment.

  • Keep yourself inspired by anything that inspires you: music, photography, fashion etc. Nothing else ignites a flame in you but a great source of inspiration.
  • Having positive role models in your life can help keep you motivated and lead you in the right direction. Your role model may or may not be somebody you know personally. Learn about your role model's life story and try to adopt his or her work ethic.

Thursday, 28 December 2017

More than 70 percent of women will experience this before the age of 50. Fibroid are tumors found within the walls of the uterus that can range in size anywhere from that of a pea to that of an orange or even bigger.
These growths (tumors) may result in changes in the shape and size of the uterus and although they are not cancerous, they may have very unpleasant symptoms. In fact in more than 99 percent of cases, the tumors are benign, are not associated with cancer and do not increase the risk of uterine cancer.
They can also be Asymptomatic, so a lot of women will get fibroid and may not even know. Only 30 percent of cases grow to a size that’s detectable during physical examination.

Types of Fibroid

There are different types, classified based on the location of the tumor
The tumor grows inside the muscular wall of the uterus. It is most common.
The tumor grows outside the uterus, on the serosal lining, and may make your uterus protrude on one side.
The subserosal tumor develops a stem.
Develops in the myometrium and is less common than the others.

Causes of Fibroid

There is no clear cut cause of fibroids but some factors are known to influence it


The re-lining of the uterus after shedding during each menstrual cycle is controlled by the gonadotropic hormones; oestrogen and progesterone.
Fibroid tissue has a higher amount of estrogen and progesterone receptors. It is sensitive to estrogen but does not have the capacity to regulate it, which is why they can grow so big.


Fibroid can develop and grow quickly during pregnancy. This is believed to be as a result of the higher oestrogen and progesterone levels during pregnancy.


Women above the age of 30 have a higher chance of developing fibroids.

Family History

Fibroid has an association with descent and the family tree. It may run in the family, so if your relative or relatives have this condition, then you may develop it too.
Hypertension has also been identified as a risk factor.

Symptoms of Fibroid

The symptoms depend on the location, size and number of tumors. They include;
Abdominal pressure
Lower back pain
Long lasting menstruation with heavy bleeding
Increased menstrual cramping
Increased urination
Pain during sex

Treatment Options

Once women reach menopause, any fibroid they have will usually shrink and disappear. This is because at menopause, the amount of oestrogen and progesterone is extremely reduced and like I said earlier, these two hormones are directly associated with the tumor formation, so cross those hormones out, and the tumor will shrink.
These are treatments recommended by doctors for treatment for fibroid removal


These regulate body hormone levels, and cause estrogen and progesterone secretion to stop. This will cause a pseudo-menopause, stop menstruation and cause the fibroids to shrink. An example is Leuroplide.


There are usually two different types that can be done. An abdominal myotomy, involves making incisions on the abdomen, accessing the uterus and removing the fibroids, leaving an intact uterus afterwards.  A hysterectomy is the total removal of the uterus, usually performed in the cases where other treatments do not work. It’s usually a last resort.
There are other treatments too, that can shrink a fibroid.
Its not a secret that you can prevent and even cure fibroids using herbs and alternative medicine.

Natural Remedy and Herbal Cure for Fibroid

Green Tea

Studies show that green tea contains a chemical compound that inhibits the growth of fibroid cells. Anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects that also help manage the symptoms of fibroids.
Drink a cup of green tea twice/thrice daily for a few months until you see changes.


Although milk isn’t an herb, it is a natural way believed to help rid oneself of fibroids. A study showed that women who had consumed three to four dairy products serving daily had a 30 percent decreased incidence consumed to those who had less than one serving a day. So, include more milk to your diet.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Just like the milk, this is not an herb either, but it helps reduce fibroid symptoms and also helps remove toxins from the body. It also helps with fat loss, and although not proven, weight gain has been linked with fibroid development and hormone imbalances, so weight loss by the apple cider vinegar is believed to shrink fibroids too.


Garlic has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that discourage the formation of fibroid tumors.
You can mix garlic with honey if it has a taste too strong for you. Eat three to five cloves of garlic daily.

Green leafy vegetables

These discourage the growth of fibroids in the body. In addition, the vegetables contain Vitamin K, which helps control menstrual bleeding. Vegetables also contain fiber which helps the body get rid of excess estrogen.

Cruciferous Vegetables

These help balance estrogen levels and help with detoxification in the body by the liver. Research shows that higher consumption of vegetables such as Cabbage, tomato and fresh fruits such as apples, seems to offer some protection from fibroids.


Beta-carotene rich foods such as carrots, sweet potatoes and spinach can be very helpful when healing fibroids.

Ginger root

Widely used herb that increases blood flow to the uterus. This increased circulation and helps reduce inflammation of the uterus. When trying to dissolve fibroids, it is crucial to avoid things that can make it worse, such as –
  • High fat foods
  • Refined Sugar
  • Alcohol in excess
  • Caffeine
  • Refined carbohydrates
Avoiding these makes it easier for you liver to detoxify your body and keep your hormones in balance, discouraging the formation of fibroid.
With these, fibroid could be a thing of the past. But I can not over emphasize this; If you experience the symptoms, promptly make an appointment with a doctor. Consult a doctor and inform them of  your use of the herbs.
Organic blue-green algae is one of the most nutrient dense foods on the planet. Two varieties, spirulina and Aphanizomenon flos-aquae, are the most consumed forms of blue green algae; which has superfood status due to high concentrations of proteins, vitamins and nutrients.
How is Blue-Green Algae Cultivated?
Most blue-green algae products contain Aphanizomenon flos-aquae harvested from Upper Klamath Lake in southern Oregon. Harvesting is done during the summertime, June to November. The algae is filtered to preserve the most vibrant blooms and then further purified by centrifugation. The AFA is then chilled and sold frozen or dried at low temperatures and sold as a powder.

Natural Compounds in Organic Blue-Green Algae

Blue-green algae is 70% vegetable protein and has higher levels of beta-carotene than broccoli. The one-two punch potency of blue-green algae is that it contains a high concentration of nutrients- over 65 vitamins, minerals and enzymes and the complete spectrum of eight essential amino acids and ten nonessential amino acids… and they are all easily absorbed by the body. In fact up to 97% of the beneficial vitamins, minerals and enzymes found in blue-green algae are easily absorbed (some supplements are as low as 5-25% absorbable). AFA also contains the most biologically active chlorophyll of any known food.

Antioxidant Activity of Blue-Green Algae

Aphanizomenon flos-aquae is rich in compounds that provide antioxidants. A measurement called the “oxygen radical absorbance capacity” (ORAC) is used to determine free radical scavenging capacity of foods and other substances purported to contain antioxidants. Italy’s University of Urbino Carlo Bo applied the ORAC method to edible AFA. The outcome was positive in favor of researchers supporting the use of AFA as a dietary antioxidant supplement to relieve oxidative stress.  
The University of Urbino Carlo B conducted another study designed to evaluate the ability of AFA to provide defense against oxidative damage to normal human red blood cells and plasma. Results suggested AFA lowered oxidative damage in both. Furthermore, AFA delayed the depletion of enzymes that are beneficial to the body.
A Japanese study found that a product containing blue-green algae from lake Klamath exhibited considerable antioxidant activity and was an effective adaptogenic; that is, a substance that helps the body adapt to protect against stressors.

Blue-Green Algae and B12

There is some controversy over whether or not AFA is an effective source of vitamin B12. Many natural sources of vitamin B12 have been shown to be biologically inadequate. However, preliminary research conducted by Italy’s Department of Neurorehabilitation at Villa Salus Hospital evaluated the vitamin B12 levels of 15 vegan subjects who had supplemented with an algae product from Lake Klamath and found their B12 levels increased over a control group. Although not absolutely conclusive, researchers believed the preliminary research supported the argument that AFA is a reliable source of vitamin B12. 

Blue-Green Algae and Stem Cells

In adults, stem cells have the function of repairing damaged cells. Unfortunately, as we age, stem cells have a reduced restorative ability and are more vulnerable to oxidative stress. This results in the body being less able to repair itself. Based on previous studies that showed blue-green algae can modulate immune function in animals, the Department of Neurosurgery at USF investigated the effects of AFA on cultured human stem cells. Researchers noted that preliminary results suggested an ethanol extract of AFA may promote human stem cell proliferation. 

Potential Concerns about Blue Green Algae

Although blue-green algae is commonly consumed in the United States, Canada, and Europe, some concern has been voiced about the potential for presence of microcystin, a toxic byproduct of blue-green algae. In response, the Oregon Health Division and the Oregon Department of Agriculture have established regulatory limits on microcystin content in BGA products. [7] As with most products, if you’re pregnant or nursing, it’s a good idea to first consult your health care provider before supplementing with blue-green algae.
You should only consume AFA and spirulina from trusted and reputable suppliers. I recommend E3Live, which is harvested from Lake Klamath. E3 is a stand-up company I trust because of their solid ethical foundation and practices. If you choose to supplement with blue-green algae, you won’t be disappointed in the quality of their product.

AFA Super Blue-Green Algae
Primordial Food from Klamath Lake, Oregon.

History, Facts and Legends
Klamath Lake blue green algae is a form of microalgae phytoplankton that differs from spirulina in that it prefers fresh water as opposed to brackish salty water. At least forty thousand species of microalgae phytoplankton have been identified, not only including blue green algae, but also ocean dwelling marine phytoplankton species, seaweeds, freshwater pond algae and mosses of many colors.
Microalgae phytoplankton forms the basis of the food chain. Fossil evidence indicates they were very likely the first organisms to populate the Earth and are still here eons later. Some scientists believe microalgae have been on Earth for approximately 2.8 billion years.
Microalgae are responsible for an estimated 80 to 90 percent of the planet’s overall food supply and oxygen supply. Microalgae obtain their overall energy through the process of photosynthesis. It is through algae photosynthesis that the earth’s early atmosphere was converted into its present oxygen-rich state. It seems clear that algae have been the primary developers of the Earth’s atmosphere since life appeared on Earth.
Blue green algae (of the Cyanophyta family) are extremely hardy survivors and can adapt to a wide range of light, heat, carbon dioxide levels, oxygen levels and unique aqueous physical environments. Blue green algae are the richest sources of chlorophyll found in nature. They photosynthesize better than any other plant on Earth.

Blue-green algae are similar in structure to a soft bacteria with chlorophyll, phycocyanin and other pigments. Like bacteria, blue green algae are prokaryotes because they lack a membrane-bound nucleus. The genetic information in blue-green algae (DNA and RNA) is easily absorbed by our intestinal flora (friendly bacteria that live in our digestive system). This helps our intestinal bacteria and consequently our bodies digest and connect with the eons-old information contained within blue-green algae, allowing us to improve our immune system and to better adapt to changing conditions in our environment.

Aphanizomenon flos-aqua (AFA) blue-green algae are made primarily of soft proteins and polysaccharides that are easily digested by our intestinal bacteria that in turn then food our blood and cells. This “softness” makes AFA one of the most digestible and utilizable protein foods in all of nature. This “soft” characteristic is unusual for plant cells, but is common for animal cells; this is a reason why blue-green algae are often considered 25 percent animal.
AFA is loaded with chlorophyll. Chlorophyll helps build our blood due to the presence of the pyrol ring in chlorophyll, which is identical o the pyrol ring found in hemoglobin. Chlorophyll helps fight leukemia as well as certain forms of skin and liver cancer. Additionally, chlorophyll helps to deodorize the bowels

AFA contains an extraordinarily concentration of the blue-pigment phycocyanin which helps preload the immune system by stimulating the production of more stem cells from the bone marrow. Stem cells are the basic form of all cells and can be transformed into any cell (including T-cells, NK cells, macrophages and other immune system cell artillery).

AFA is known to contain an exceptional forty major and trace minerals, picked up from the constant stirring of nearly thirty feet of mineral sediment at the bottom of Klamath Lake. Minerals are the atomic matrix of our bodies and are necessary to build every tissue including our bones, teeth, skin, hair, nails, internal organs, muscular system, immune system and nervous system.

Generally, the more domesticated our food is, the more mineral deficient it becomes. Weston Price’s work in Nutrition and Physical Degeneration demonstrated that the more one adopts a “civilized” diet, the more quickly mineral deficiency symptoms appear. Mineral deficiencies have been associated with every degenerative and chronic condition known to humankind. The key solution to mineral deficiencies appears to be including wild foods in our diet. AFA is a wild food.

AFA is an excellent source of B vitamins including appreciable amounts of vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9 and B12. In general, B vitamins fight stress by helping to more efficiently convert polysaccharides and other carbohydrates into glucose for immediately available energy, endurance and stamina.

The vitamin B12 found in AFA may or may not be usable by the human body. Dr. Gabriel Cousens’ clinical research indicates that the vitamin B12 in AFA does not increase serum B12 levels in human blood, indicating that the B12 in AFA is unavailable. AFA is also an important source of vitamin C. AFA contains omega-3 fatty acids, including the long-chain omega-3 fatty acid known as docosahexonoic acid (DHA). AFA also contains the phospholipid choline. This makes AFA a brain and nervous system supporting food.

PROTEIN & AFA algae is a complete protein source containing approximately 60 percent protein. Eighteen amino acids (protein building blocks) are present in AFA algae. The protein and amino acids in AFA is in highly assimilable glycoprotein and amino acid peptide forms instead of the lipoprotein form found in animal products such as beef and chicken (which are usually cooked into even more difficult-to-digest forms of protein). Therefore, it takes less energy to digest and utilize algae protein. Additionally, neurotransmitters for brain health can be produced from AFA protein more easily and swiftly due to its ease of digestibility.

Protein is used to construct, maintain and repair every tissue in our bodies from our bones, teeth, muscles, nerves, glands, heart, blood, liver, skin, hair and everything in between. A lack of protein is mostly associated with muscular weakness slow healing and brain chemistry imbalances. An excess of animal protein is associated with heart disease, kidney disease, cancer and colon cancer. It is becoming more and more clear that plant-based, complete protein sources are of critical importance for the future – this is exactly what superfoods provide and this is exactly what AFA algae provides.
Some of the free amino acid peptides found in AFA may be responsible for helping to detoxify our bodies of heavy metals. Dr. Gillian McKeith reports in her booklet Miracle Superfood: Wild Blue-Green Algae that in her clinical experience AFA algae has been effective in chelating (removing) dangerous, toxic heavy metals such as cadmium, lead and mercury. She recommends consuming 0.21 to 0.35 ounces to AFA blue-green algae daily for severe cases of heavy-metal toxicity.


The antioxidant phycocyanin is a pigment that provides the intense blue colour in blue-green algae. Phycocyanin can constitute up to 15 percent of the dry weight of a blue-green algae harvest; this is approximately twice the concentration of the phycocyanin found in spirulina. The rare, blue-coloured phycocyanin helps inhibit the growth of certain cancer colonies, reduces inflammation of the colitis, fights chronic inflammation, supports the liver, protects against free-radical damage, improves the production of neurotransmitters, and aids production of rejuvenating stem cells.
  • Phycocyanin operates with our own internal pigment bilirubin to keep the liver functioning at optimal levels
  • Phycocyanin helps with the formation of neurotransmitters by acting to assist in the attachment of one amino acid to another
  • Phycocyanin has been shown to inhibit the enzymes cyclooxygenase (COX-2) and lipoxygenase. COX-2 and lipoxygenase are enzymes associated with the production of inflammatory compounds. When COX-2 and lipoxygenase are inhibited naturally with phycocyanin, the inflammatory and pain-forming reactions in the body are slowed and/or stopped.


Also found within AFA algae is a concentrated level of phenylethylamine (PEA), an adrenal and brain chemical naturally synthesized in our bodies from two amino acids: phenylalanine and tyrosine. PEA increases the activity of neurotransmitters (brain chemicals) in parts of the brain that control our ability to pay attention and stay alert. Elevated PEA levels occur when we are captivated by a good book, movie or project; this happens specifically during those moments when we are so focused that we lose all track of time, food and the outside world. PEA is noticeably abundant in the brains of happy people.
PEA has also been dubbed the “love chemical”. It helps to create feelings of attraction, excitement and euphoria. When we fall in love our PEA levels increase; we become peppy and full of optimism. The brain releases PEA when we are sexually aroused. PEA levels can peak during orgasm.
When the brain is flooded with PEA the neurotransmitter dopamine is then blocked from being deactivated and dopamine levels rise. Elevated dopamine levels are associated with increasing mental concentration and a positive attitude.
PEA also increases the effectiveness of another neurotransmitter, norepinephrine, which increases feelings of joy.

In one experiment, investigators found that aerobic exercise can elevate the body’s levels of PEA. PEA is part of the endorphin-induced “runner’s high” that enhances energy mood and attention. When researches had twenty healthy young men run on a treadmill for 30 minutes, they found that the average concentration of PEA in the participants’ urine increased by 77 percent. In addition, the research indicated that patients suffering from depression and bipolar disorder had lower than normal levels of PEA in their urine.

PEA is found premade and in a great natural abundance in two foods that we know: cacao and blue-green algae (especially in blue phycocyanin). Those two foods can significantly elevate the presence of PEA in our brain.

AFA and cacao keep our PEA levels high, no matter what is happening in our life. Blue-green algae works synergistically with cacao in creating a strong ability to focus and pay attention even if we suffer from Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD). One study looking at blue-green algae as a brain food followed 109 students who were fed blue-green algae. The study concluded that the children had a significant improvement in the ability to focus, follow directions and concentrate. In additional the children experienced a reduction in argumentative, demanding and combative behavior, fewer symptoms of anxiety and depression, an improvement in social skills and fewer signs of emotional and behavioral withdrawal.

Drapeau references a study in Primordial Food that indicates oral doses of PEA at the rate of 10 mg per day decreased symptoms of depression in 60 percent of the patients tested. In addition, PEA did not cause the patients to gain weight, as most people do with antidepressants; instead, they actually lost weight. AFA contains approximately 2 mg per gram of PEA. AFA concentrates are now available that contain 10mg of PEA per gram. PEA has no side effects; chemical dependency issues and tolerance limits over time (ie, doses may stay the same over long periods) are not a concern.
PEA appears to be the primary active ingredient that inhibits appetite and helps people to lose weight when they consume AFA blue-green algae. In a double-blind crossover study involving human patients, supplementing the diets of obese outpatients with 2.8 grams of blue-green algae three times daily over a four week period resulted in a statistically significant reduction of body weight.


AFA algae is exceptionally rich in bioavailable iron. When one switches to a vegetarian diet, the iron normally acquired from blood sources (meat) must be drawn from plants, which may be challenging to some individuals. This is where AFA algae can help. AFA is an exceptional source of iron, which works with AFA’s manganese, copper, B vitamins and vitamin C to fight anemia especially in vegetarians who are adapting to non-blood (nonheme) iron sources in plants.


 DNA and RNA are raw genetic material we call nucleic acids. AFA algae contains approximately 4% DNA and RNA. These nucleotides have antimicrobial, antiviral and antifungal properties. Raw DNA and RNA from AFA algae can be stripped out of the algae by our digestive system and used to assemble new, genetically healthy cells as well as to rejuvenate damaged cells and tissues.


There are thousands of enzymes present in living and/or low temperature dried AFA algae. These enzymes help to assist our “enzyme cascade” which begins in digestion, continues through the assimilation of nutrients and ends in metabolism. The more enzymes we have in our diet, the easier time the body has with digestion and metabolism. Raw algae, honey and grasses (e.g. wheatgrass juice) are some of the richest sources of enzymes.


AFA algae is extraordinarily rich in carotenoids such as beta-carotene. Research continues to demonstrate that the greater the beta-carotene content of one’s diet, the longer one lives. Research science has shown that beta-carotene activates the thymus glad and the immune system. Dr. Charles Simone, author of Cancer and Nutrition describes that beta-carotene blocks the process whereby healthy cells turn into cancerous cells.
Beta-carotene is one of the safest food nutrients and is nontoxic, even in megadoses. If one’s skin begins to turn orange from an extremely high intake of beta-carotene, this is still safe and is not a cause for alarm. It simply indicates that one lacks a liver enzyme that breaks down certain carotene pigments. Some people have this liver enzyme and some people do not have it. If one slows or stops a high intake of carotene, the orange skin color will eventually return to normal.


In Primordial Food, Drapeau cites research performed by a tem of scientists affiliated with the University of Illinois. The team was composed of one board-certified forensic examiner and microbiologist, one surgeon, and three physicians. More than two hundred cases were reviewed in this study. The study concluded that AFA appears to be effective in treating various viral conditions, chronic fatigue, Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), depression, inflammatory diseases and fibromyalgia. The study suggests that AFA acts on the immune and nervous systems and prevents inflammation.

Studies done on AFA have demonstrated that it stimulates the migration of stem cells from the bone marrow into the blood and brain (mainly due to the actions of the blue pigment phycocyanin), stimulates white blood cells, and inhibits COX-2 activity, preventing inflammation and improving nervous-system health, as well as one’s overall mood.
Drapeau also cites research indicating that AFA, when consumed daily for several weeks, helps move natural killer (NK) cells out of the blood and into the tissues to patrol for and destroy damaged and diseased cells. Although green tea and ginkgo biloba leaf impove the activity of NK cells, no other substance has been found that stimulates this patrolling work.

Researches have discovered that a blue-green algae protein reduces the ability of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) AND Ebola virus. The antiviral protein, known as cyanovirin-N (CV-N) can extend the survival time of the Ebola-infected mice. There is currently no treatment for Ebola infection, which causes severe and often fatal hemorrhagic fever. “CV-N is extremely effective against a broad range of HIV strains” said Barry O’Keefe, PhD of NCI’s Centre for Cancer Research, one of the authors of the study. “CV-N is the first molecule known to inhibit Ebola infection by interfering with the virus’ ability to enter cells”.
CV-N inhibits HIV and Ebola infection by binding to the outside of the virus and physically blocking it from entering healthy cells. The protein attaches to a particular sugar molecule on the virus surface.


AFA contains alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) and the long-chain omega-3 fatty acid known as docosahexanoic acid (DHA). Nearly 50% of the fat (oil) content of AFA is composed of these omega-3 essential fatty acids.

In general, most diets worldwide are deficient in omega-3 fatty acids and excessive in omega-6 fatty acids and rancid trans-fatty acids. An excess of omega-6 fatty acids and trans-fats leads to an inflammatory response in the body, which eventually develops into a contributing factor in cardiovascular disease, immunity challenges, neurological problems and skin disorders.
Omehs-3 fatty acids such as ALA and DHA support immunity by helping to attract immune cells to the sites of injury, chronic pain and cellular damage while calming the inflammatory response.
Humans manufacture only small amounts of DHA internally through the consumption of alpha-linolenic acid, an omega-3 fatty acid commonly found in hempseed, chia, flax, as well as other seeds. This amount of DHA is usually not enough to meet the demands of our nervous system, especially in a high-stress environment.

Traditionally, DHA was acquired directly from eating seafood and fish. With the onset of more seafood allergies and the problems of mercury and PCBs polluting fish, safer forms of DHA have been discovered in other foods. AFA is one of those foods.

DHA is a critical essential fatty acid used in the production and maintenance of healthy eyesight (retina), brain and nervous system tissue, cardiovascular “slipperiness” and sperm, long-chain omega-3 fatty acids such as DHA make our cardiovascular system too slippery for calcium-forming nanobacteria (microscopic barnacles) to attach and begin to calcify the arties causing arteriosclerosis.
A deficiency of DHA has been correlated to ADD symptoms, Alzheimer’s, arthritis, autoimmune conditions, cardiovascular disease, depression, low brain serotonin levels, neuroses, postpartum depression, and skin disorders.

The therapeutic consumption of omega-3 fatty acids has been shown to improve one’s mood and cardiovascular condition. The consumption of omega-3 also inhibits the formation of breast, colon, pancreatic and prostate cancer.


During seasonal algal blooms in Klamath Lake, the pH of the water can reach eleven and the oxygen can drop below three parts per million, which can be deadly to fish in the immediate vicinity of the bloom. The death of the fish is not due to any toxins.

Reports that AFA contains toxic proteins have proven to be incorrect. Not only have hundreds of thousands, if not millions of individuals consumed AFA with relatively few cases of side effects, scientific research has indicated that AFA is clear of toxins and that the toxicity of other algae forms may be the source of the confusion.

Some scientists have suggested that AFA blue-green algae contains the amino-acid compound known as B-methylamino alanine (BMAA), and that this amino-acid compound could be linked to neurological problems. Subsequent test results indicated that AFA is devoid of the controversial amino-acid compound known as BMAA.

In Primordial Food, Drapeau reports “In Klamath Lake, nearly ten years of intense testing has failed to reveal the presence of any neurotoxins in its AFA. In 1998 the opinion among scientists was that AFA did not contain neurotoxins and that the original samples that had been identified as AFA were likely another species”. He goes on to cite a Wright State University study examining algae genetics that indicated the samples of algae believed to be toxic were not AFA but in fact belonged to the Anabaena genera.

As with any superfood or food, people’s metabolisms and body chemistry respond to some better than others.
Lord Byron said “There is pleasure in the pathless woods, there is rapture in the lonely shore, there is society where none intrudes, by the deep sea, and music in its roar; I love not Man the less, but Nature more”. Nature was designed and programmed to occur before the existence of humanity. There are possibly many principles governing life that we can’t alter, instead we accept them, appreciate them and endeavour to adapt to them. Lao Tzu mentioned that “Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished”.

The earth is been controlled by natural phenomenon. The activities of folks are under the influence of nature. Natural is a friend when you acknowledge it, cherish it, move along with it and get acquainted with its lay down guides. Nature is the environment we live in. Nature is our life pattern. Nature is the person in us. Nature is our character in the scene.

Here are some significant natural issues as it is applicable to our daily activities and lifestyle.

Exercise is major and natural means of staying fit and healthy. It plays a vital role in our pursuit to longer living. Every individual on planet earth is entitle to carry out exercise each week. The day we stop exercising, the day we bury our health. When you are healthy, you can start everything in life. Paul Coelho states I have seen many storms in my life. Most storms have caught me by surprise, so I had to learn very quickly to look further and understand that I am not capable of controlling the weather, to exercise the art of patience and to respect the fury of nature”. If you can’t observe this principle of nature and make it part of you, there’s no room of making a better future. The journey to healthy lifestyle is the beginning of exercise.

Make it your friend, you’ll enjoy the future, you abstain from it, your life and well-being crumble without delay. A success man is that person who stays fit and healthy to enjoy his labour.

Your personality is what defines you. Your nature is the person in you. Joan D. Vinge says We are all born with a unique genetic blueprint, which lays out the basic characteristics of our personality as well as our physical health and appearance”. And yet, we all know that life experiences do change us”.
No individual has the power to live your life for you. You are specially made and possessed with vast structures that differentiate you from the others. Never compete with any one, you can’t beat them. Be that person that defines your existence. Be who you are, “be yourself”. Know your nature and adapt to it. Make it unique and you will excel.
Leo Howard said Being confident is the key to life. Don't be afraid to be you! I'm super different from a lot of kids my age with style and personality, and I'm OK with it”. And if you are OK with it, everyone else will be, too. Just be yourself”. Flee from every false appearance as it pays to be You.

Learn your way to success. Pele says “Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do”. Learning should be your lifestyle. It should be your daily routine. You have to train your brain to be active. Learn not only by reading books. Learn from the mistakes that put you in a bad shape. Learn from the things you see around. Colin Powell mentioned in his quote that “There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure. Martin Lawrence stated that “I'm most proud of the blessings that God has bestowed upon me, in my life. He's given me the vision to truly see that you can fall down, but you can still get back up. Hopefully I'll learn from my mistakes and have the opportunity to strengthen and improve the next thing I do”.

Learn from individuals. Each day that comes by, there’s a lesson to be learnt. Put yourself into daily training as no knowledge is a waste. Note; you stop existing the day you stop learning. Becoming the person you should be is by learning. Anthony J. D’Angelo mentioned that Develop a passion for learning. If you do, you will never cease to grow”.

Show me a man who stops learning, and I will show you a man whose future is enveloped with darkness and failures. Learning gives you confident in the public. Learning makes you a star. Learning distinguishes you from your equals. Learning keeps you informed. Learning is a nature, subject yourself to it. Frank Lloyd said “Study nature, love nature, stay close to nature. It will never fail you”.

Carl Jung said “We shall probably get nearest to the truth if we think of the conscious and personal psyche as resting upon the broad basis of an inherited and universal psychic disposition which is as such unconscious, and that our personal psyche bears the same relation to the collective psyche as the individual to society”. Even God who created the universe including mankind rested after the creation. Humans were created in the image and likeness of God. If our creator can acknowledged this essential aspect of nature, then why can’t we recognize this fact? Rest is nature, you can’t cheat it. You must rest to work another day. Don’t push yourself beyond your body capabilities else you fade unknowing. Human body is designed to operate in certain duration each day. Study yourself to know your limit. The entire body system needs rest. You need to rest your mind. Your energy needs to function again.
Thich Nhat Hanh says “It's very important that we re-learn the art of resting and relaxing. Not only does it help prevent the onset of many illnesses that develop through chronic tension and worrying; it allows us to clear our minds, focus, and find creative solutions to problems”. No matter how interested your job could be, no matter the sweetness and success of your job, you need rest. You are a human and not a robot. Note, the job may continue when you fade away.
“Rest is nature, observe it”.

Wade Boggs states “A positive attitude causes a chain reaction of positive thoughts, events and outcomes. It is a catalyst and it sparks extraordinary results”. You are your attitude, meaning you are address by your attitude. Attitude becomes a stigma when it’s depraved, and a mirror when it’s good. Attitude is nature, you are made of it. Your attitude is your personality. Wade Boggs also mentioned that “Our lives are not determined by what happens to us but how we react to what happens, not by what life brings us but the attitude we bring to life”. Attitude dwells in you from birth to the time of accountability. It can never be hidden, is like pregnancy. It takes you above men and it can bring you beneath your equals.

Every individual is endow with positive and negative attitude. Hans Selye says “Adopting the right attitude can convert a negative stress into a positive one”. Nature defines your attitude by your actions. You are attitude, let people address and admire the beauty of it. You are your mirror, let people behold the light in it and imitate it. Nature gives you the best quality attitude, gaze deep down in you, bring it out, fine tune it, let it shine, and you shall stand among “mean men”. Oprah Winfrey “The greatest discovery of all time is that a person can change his future by merely changing his attitude”.

Delia Smith states “Food is for eating, and good food is to be enjoyed... I think food is, actually, very beautiful in itself”. Food is very essential to the well-being of the body. It can keep you going on well in life and it can drop you down if wrongly eating. Food is what brings out the beauty and structure in you. Healthy living is a source of right choice of food. “You are what you eat”. Without food, there’s no you. Yolanda Adams says “Good food is healthy food. Food is supposed to sustain you so you can live better, not so you can eat more. Some people eat to live, and some people live to eat”. Eat the right food to obtain the desire result.

Our environments are decorated with fruits and vegetables, apply them in your daily diet. If necessary, avoid the in-take of snacks as it does not add to your well-being, rather it keeps you in a bad shape. Herbert Hoover “I am proud to have been born in Iowa. Through the eyes of a ten-year-old boy, it was a place of adventure and daily discoveries - the wonder of the growing crops, the excitements of the harvest, the journeys to the woods for nuts and hunting, the joys of snowy winters, the comfort of the family fireside, of good food and tender care”.

Food is nature, eat the best of it. Man is a product of what he eats. A daily complete diet packed with vegetables will make your day bright. Your stomach is your life, feed it with the right choice of food. You can’t stop eating, but eat the right diet. Your diet is what your health tells you. Your health should be your daily concern, hence, it is your only means of becoming wealthy. Eat the right food!

Herbert Hoover says “I am proud to have been born in Iowa. Through the eyes of a ten-year-old boy, it was a place of adventure and daily discoveries - the wonder of the growing crops, the excitements of the harvest, the journeys to the woods for nuts and hunting, the joys of snowy winters, the comfort of the family fireside, of good food and tender care”. Relationship is what you can’t kick out of the journey to success. God established relationship for a common purpose. Relationship is nature, you can’t survive without it. Your affairs with folks matters so much. You can attain your success point by the means you relate with individuals. In the other hand, success point can’t be seen by the means of your relationship with others. Now, the question is; how do you relate with people? You need to function effectively with people each day. Note, relationship is as old as the creation. God honours it.

Examine carefully your relationship with people around, because that could be your link to a greater future.

The mouth was giving and designed for talking. It is natural that people must always talk about you. It is normal that your name keeps sounding from people’s mouth. Bryant Mcoill said “You would think that the more successful you are, the more people would be excited for you. It is very sad when you learn people just become jealous. Even worse; some people secretly hope you will fail. If you have someone who is truly happy for your success – treat them like gold”. There’s nothing you can do to stop a natural occurrence. “You are dead the moment nobody talks about you”.

Relevant folks are persons whose names keeps spreading the globe. You don’t need to be worried, you must be talked about. Nature must take its place in your life. Daniel G. Amen, MD states “People who run their own lives have a strong tendency to blame other people when things go wrong”. You are the vestige of your thoughts. See beyond what others says. Steve Maraboli says “I have fed mouths that have talked shit about me. I’ve wiped tears off the faces of people who have caused mine. I have picked up people who have tried to knock me down. I have been there for people who have not been there for me. But I will NOT lose myself in the hatred of others. Life isn’t easy, but even through all the bullshit… I will still be here, being me”. Forget people’s thoughts and sayings, you are what you say.

Albert Einstein says “try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value”. Build a value. It is your worth in the society. It gives you confident. Every individual must possess it. You should endeavour to be significant to yourself and any position you occupy. Myles Munroe Said “The value of life is not in its duration, but in its donation. You are not important because of how you live, you are important because of how effective you live”. Extraneous folks does not matter in the society. You are somebody by how much you worth. Can you be bought so cheap? A cheap product can’t be placed equally with quality and highly rated one. Make a name for yourself.

Value is nature, build it and let the world see it. Ken Robinson says “Creativity is the process of having original ideas that have value. It is a process; it’s not random”. You are known and respected by your value. No man wants to entangle with a worthless entity. Lewis Howes said “One of the most powerful networking practices is to provide immediate value to a new connection. This means the moment you identify a way to help someone, take action”. Albert Einstein mentioned “The value of a man should be seen in what he gives and not in what he is able to receive”. It places you where you aim to be. Define your value, work it out, for you are value.


A man whose heart is built on gratitude will always dine with men of honour. Learn to be grateful. Say thank you for every day that comes by. William Arthur Ward mentioned that “Gratitude can transform common days into thanksgivings, turn routine jobs into joy, and change ordinary opportunities into blessings. Appreciate the impact of someone upon your life. Brian Tracy states “Develop an attitude of gratitude, and give thanks for everything that happens to you, knowing that every step forward is a step towards achieving something bigger and better than your current situation”. Gratitude is nature, it can’t be do away with. In every aspect of your life, learn to give gratitude. Shawn Michaels said “I live in a constant state of gratitude, thankfulness, and appreciation for the second chance I was given, so anytime in any film, when that is given to someone, I always appreciate it”. Live a life of gratitude.