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Diet plays great role in our body's rejuvenation cycles. This is because food choices are like building materials. The quality of the replacement cells relies on the building available when the new cells are being created. These stands to reason that by eating the right foods, newly foods, newly formed cells can be stronger and healthier than the old cells they replace.


We also know that inflammation is the body's response to injury, infection, irritation or imbalance. We can help protect our cells and rejuvenate them well by eating anti-inflammation foods. What's part of anti-inflammatory diet? Always eat fresh foods, whole foods with phyto-nutrients, essential fatty acids and amino acids.

Below are the cell regeneration foods you should be adding to your diet on regular basis.


Blueberries, raspberries, blackberries all help build up the powerful antioxidant superoxide dismutase (SOD). This is excellent for reducing oxidative stress, a major factor in liver support and the prevention of joint pain. Berries are also rich in flavonoids that reduce inflammation and repair cellular damage. Add it to your meal if possible.


Broccoli may not be favourite to your kid, but it is rich in sulforaphane, a chemical that increases enzymes in the liver, which work to neutralize the harmful toxins we breathe in. Also,every cruciferous vegetables are packed with a unique molecule called indole-3 carbinol that reduces inflammatory agents in the blood.

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Ginger Root:

Ginger root aid in settling stomach related issues. It also help to combats painful inflammation by inhibiting the effects of arachidonic acid, a necessary fat that triggers the inflammatory response.

Nuts and Seeds

These foods have healthy fats and protein to keep you full longer and satisfy your cravings. Nuts e.g walnuts and almonds, and seed such as flax, hemp and chia are high in alpha-linolenic acid, a type of anti-inflammatory omega-3 fat. Seeds also contain plant sterols, and reputed for their anti-inflammatory properties.


Mushrooms like shiitake and maiitake are high in polyphenols. These are nutrients known to help protect liver cells from damaging. It support the liver critically in fighting inflammation, because that is where toxins are being filtered.

Fatty Fish and Seafood:

This is a must for any healthy diet. Seafood contains eicosapentaenoic acid, a powerful anti-inflammatory type of omega-3 fatty acid. Studies reveals that the oil in fish can act as an anti-inflammation. Also, it is great for the brain and heart.

It is very interesting how far we can control the human cell rejuvenation. Obtain these above listed foods, make them a regular meal, and see how fresh and renewing your cell becomes. Cell regeneration is possible with these 6 foods. Food is medicinal.

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