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Monday, 18 December 2017

Powerful Natural Cancer Cures and Alternative Treatments...

Discover the natural cures for cancer and alternative treatments the highly profitable cancer industry doesn't want you to know about!

Ultimate Cancer Bombshell...

But here’s the most appalling of all statistics about conventional medical treatments for cancer…
Untreated cancer patients do not die any sooner than patients who receive chemotherapy, radiation and surgery. In fact, in many cases they actually live longer!
Dr. Hardin B. Jones, a 40 year cancer researcher and Professor of Medical Physics and Physiology at Berkley, California, did an exhaustive 25 year study on the lifespan of cancer patients and discovered this shocking truth.
What he found with breast cancer survival rates was particularly disturbing. He discovered that women who refused orthodox medical treatments actually lived four times longer than women who accepted these conventional treatments.

Dr Jones stated... “People who refused treatment lived for an average of 12 and a half years. Those who accepted other kinds of treatment lived on an average of only 3 years.”

It’s important to note here that there have been other researchers who have come to the same conclusions as Dr Jones, as a search of the Science Citation Index shows. 

Dr. Maurice Fox, a biologist from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, also revealed from studies carried out at the Harvard School of Public Health, that (in regards to breast cancer)... “Those who refused medical procedures had a lower mortality rate than those who submitted!”  1

Successful Cure for Cancer Already Exists...

Now, do you want to know what the most ridiculously absurd part about all of this is?
Not only do orthodox treatments appear to be less effective than we have been led to believe, but the “cancer cure” the cancer industry is supposedly working so tirelessly to find, already exists.
That’s right, the miracle cure for cancer we have all been desperately waiting and hoping for has already been found. And astoundingly, it was discovered way back in 1932.

Over 80 years ago!
Yes I know, this sounds totally outrageous. But I’m about to prove it to you so get ready...

Nobel Prize Winner Discovers Powerful Cancer Cure

Dr Otto Warburg won the prestigious Nobel Prize in medicine back in 1931 for his ground-breaking discovery on cancer.

What he discovered was cancer cannot survive in an aerobic (oxygenated) environment. But it will survive and flourish very nicely in an anaerobic (acid) environment. 

So what exactly does this mean?
Well, think about algae. It doesn’t survive out in the ocean where there's plenty of oxygen in the water. But wherever you find lots of stagnant water, you'll find algae growing and thriving.

So think of cancer as algae. If your body is stagnant (poorly oxygenated) cancer will grow and thrive. But if it stays oxygenated (alkaline), cancer is dead in the water!

The Importance of Your pH Level to Cure Cancer

So what is the body’s “perfect” oxygenated or alkaline level then?
Well, you’ve no doubt heard of the need to maintain the correct pH level for a swimming pool? (pH goes on a scale from zero to fourteen. Seven is neutral. Anything below seven is acidic and anything above seven is alkaline).
The human body also has a pH level. And it must be maintained above the neutral level (7.35-7.45 to be exact) at all times for optimum health. But here's the most amazing part. By keeping your pH above 7, the body then acts as a "cancer treatment" for itself and goes to work to break down and dispose of any cancerous tumors! 

"Acidosis" is What Actually Causes Cancer

A pH level below 7 is definitely the worst possible outcome. This results in “Acidosis” of the body, which is a very dangerous and potentially life-threatening problem (I would be willing to bet that the vast majority of the population would fall into the "acidosis" category).
So in this acidic environment, cancer will not just grow, it will flourish!
Listen to what renowned health expert and founder of The Optimum Health Clinic in London, Alex Howard, says about maintaining your correct pH level and why it's so important…

 “Acidosis” refers to an acid pH. It is an imbalanced acidic condition of all bodily fluids. Almost all cellular functions in the body are sensitive to the pH of their fluids. If the pH falls too far to the acidic side the cells become poisoned in their own toxic wastes and will die. Your blood should have a pH of 7.35 – 7.45. Many studies show that people with a correct blood pH enjoy good health; whereas, people with a low, or acidic, pH are more likely to be ill. The slightest imbalance can cause serious illness and disease. Acidosis can result in rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, lupus, tuberculosis, osteoporosis, high blood pressure and most cancers. 

So how do you maintain your correct pH level then and stop cancer in its tracks?

More Incredibly Potent Natural Cures for Cancer...

There are more extremely powerful natural cancer cures and alternative treatments that the drug and cancer industry really don't want you to know about.
The truth is they actually hate people using any form of natural cures for cancer (or any alternative treatments for that matter) because "healing the body naturally" eats into their ridiculous and obscene profit margins (since you no longer need any of their highly expensive, and highly overrated methods). 
This is another reason why the cancer industry always "pooh pooh's" any studies that involve using natural cancer treatments or alternative therapies.

Don't Believe all the Lies and "Scare Mongering" About Using Natural Treatments for Cancer...

Well, that ends this article(s) on natural cancer cures and alternative treatments. Hopefully, you've gone through each of the 9 natural remedies, along with clicking on the “where to get your cancer fighting nutrients from” link to put it all together and get yourself started.

I do, however, want to leave you with one final thought before we go…
The cancer industry really wants you to believe that cancer is a very complex disease that can only be put into “remission”, not actually “cured”.

The fact is it can be cured.
Not through poisoning of the body with toxic chemicals and removing body parts. But through real and proven alternative cancer treatments that involve cleansing, repairing and regenerating the body with natural foods and nutrients. This was the way it was done before conventional medicine came along(and incredibly, more people survived back then than what they do now!)
Cancer really doesn’t have to be this “scary” and dreaded disease anymore. There are natural and healthy ways to prevent it and treat it.
You just have to be willing to not follow the herd, and more importantly, listen to what your intuition is telling you when it comes to treatment options rather than what the medical profession is trying to push you into doing! 

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